Our Story
We all deserve to eat better and live healthy lives.  As the processed food industry has grown, so have food-related illnesses like obesity and diabetes that now face our next generation in alarming numbers. That’s not OK.
Sylvie Rochette founded Epicure in 1997 with a passion to share the healthy eating solutions she had created for her family. Today, Sylvie and her daughter, CEO Amelia Warren, are uniting time-starved families that want to reconnect across the table to share good food, eat healthier, and live better.
At Epicure, we are a community that unites and inspires each other to rally around healthy eating. Epicure is dedicated to sharing delicious meal solutions that use only real, whole ingredients you can trust, while never ever compromising on taste.
We educate and inspire our community with a three-course solution—for ourselves, our children, and our planet.
Our mission is to take back our health and change the course of our next generation's wellness and relationship with food.